Developing Innovation strategy and roadmap for clientsالابتكارات

For one leading executive office in the GCC, Innovation and creative thinking growth came with a cost: a hole concept, strategy, action plan and budget analysis took place in less than 6 months.

The effort vastly improved the Government’s planning and execution functions, they knew that in order to succeed in this era of technology their strategy needed to be much more robust than what they are. They turned to Consortium Consultancy to develop the strategy. Our CEO Dr Manahel Thabet spent more than 1000 hours developing, implementing and supervising a consortium of consultants for this task.


There is often considerable confusion between ‘invention’ and ‘innovation’. Invention describes about the moment of creative insight which first opens up a new possibility as Edison is said that “it is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration!”. There are lots of examples in the history that distinguish invention from innovation. As, Spengler invented the vacuum sweeper but Hoover innovate it. Howe developed the first sewing machine but singer took from invention to widespread acceptance means he innovates the product at large. Sometime it is thought that innovation is all about science and technology creating new opportunities. Sometime it is also viewed that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ may sound persuasive- but a totally marketing led approach to innovation may miss some important tricks. The client was going into this circle of confusion.


The solution Consortium Consultancy came up with combined cutting edge technology with real world practicality.

Solution was, building an innovative culture is not a small task and it requires heavy effort from the organization. Sometime copying may simply make the problem worse. Research suggests that the task of managing innovation is all about creating firm specific routines – repeated, reinforced patterns of behavior – which define its particular approach to the problem. ‘Routine’ in this sense does not mean  robotic but it does mean an established pattern-‘the way we do things around here’ – which represents the approach a particular organization takes to dealing with the innovation challenge. Innovation routines are increasingly recognized as contributing to competitive advantage and one important feature is that such routines cannot be simply copied from one context to another; they have to be learned and practiced over a sustained period of time. Routines can begin by the chance recognition of something that worked or as the result of trying a new and different approach. But if they work repeatedly, they gradually get established and eventually formalized into structures and procedures – until finally they are part of the organization’s personality.



The effort vastly improved the client’s Innovation functions, created and implemented and key variables, streamlined the order preparation process and reduced distribution while changing the innovation culture.

Results were:

  • زيادة الأرباح/هوامش الربح
  • تنويع المنتجات
  • تمايز المنتجات
  • تلبية احتياجات المستهلك
  • ولاء العملاء
  • الحفاظ على حصة السوق أو زيادتها
  • تأمين موقع استراتيجي في السوق
  • استخدام الفرص التجارية الجديدة
  • تطوير السوق
  • خدمات شخصية
  • زيادة الميزة التنافسية
  • استخدام اقتصاديات الحجم

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